
The post-capitalist cultural movement
in action all over Europe

Moving past the conversation of Capitalism as the only societal model

As Capitalism is the leading cause of:
- the destruction of our planet,
- wealth inequalities and
- the exploitation of living beings,
Our civil society urgently needs a collective uprising, to shift to a post-capitalist society, drastically reduce our consumption and maintain our chances to live on a habitable planet.

The only way forward for the current socio-economic, political and environmental crisis is not to green our economy but to drastically reduce our consumption. We need to stop business as usual, stop pretending we can keep racing at this pace towards perpetual growth, when in fact not a single green innovation or renewable is ready, anytime soon, to replace entirely, worldwide, our fossil fuel consumption.

While the Global North is already overshooting planetary boundaries with its hyperconsumption, the Global South still needs to catch up with their essential needs, access to food, water, education, public services.

We need to collectively redefine and reorganize our economy, so that it's no longer driven by capital accumulation and profits, but instead:
- in order to stay within the planetary boundaries, reconsider what to stop producing (e.g. private jets, SUV), what to develop instead (e.g. public trains, bike services) 
- and for everyone to have access to a decent life, rethink wealth redistribution (e.g. development of the commons).

Taking its foundation in Academic research, Degrowth, Doughnut Economics, Eco-Socialism, to name a few, this post-capitalist society is already manifested in different corners of our life, as well as different corners of the World.

Jowgli, a space of mind for a post-capitalist society

Decolonize our mind, our relations, our rituals from any capitalist logics and instead recolonize it with solidarity-based communities.
Bring to light what already exists, connecting the dots, building alliances accross communities and initiatives that don't usually talk to each other.
Put arts, culture and social justice at the center of the new models of representation for this post-capitalist society.

Artists, makers, designers, musicians, architects, filmmakers, bakers, small business owners, we have in common that it's up to us to take the matter in our own hands, despite the counterforces we might face, making things happen, spending time working on our craft, taking initiatives, learning from each other, experimenting with trials and errors. There is no time to wait for things to fall from the sky, for politicians' inaction, for lobbies invluences, we need to act now. This can-do attitide, much needed for a paradigm shift, is already an act of rebellion in itself.

From a powerlessness mindset anesthetized by capitalism, turning us into couch potatoes under the perfusion of Netflix series, endless social media scrolling and food delivery services. To the driver’s seat: an uprising mindset, radically creative, hands-on, interconnected, transdisciplinary, where we choose social and environmental justice with no financial ROI.

Jowgli takes shape by forming existing or new communities, bringing people and initiatives together through events and physical spaces, building bridges among grassroots initiatives.

When entering Jowgli, we reclaim the space in our mind, in our bodies, in our cities, in our communities and come together, think critically and make things happen, outside of the box; our mind is instantly triggered to switch from the passenger to the driver's seat.